A lot of people feel they have one story in them just just screams to be written, but what happens after the first book. The second novel is one of the hardest to produce, because the first book likely took years to put together and usually takes a lot of the author with in but the more stories a writer published the less of themselves can be seen in the pages. It can become difficult to find a story worth telling after the main story is out, its especially difficult for authors who don't write series because a whole new set of characters will need to be introduced. Its starting over from a fresh start, which can keep it interesting for writers who easily get bored and want to experiment with different settings, characters and even genres, although the differences in style to jump genres don't come easy to everyone naturally. People with a dark personality may find it difficult to write cheery romantic comedies and bubbly people probably wont take to writing dark horror novels naturally. Its best to write what feels the most comfortable because if it comes difficult the readers will notice and it wont flow as naturally.
Some people get story ideas from dreams or maybe it will just come to you randomly when your mind wanders. The shower is a great place for cooking up ideas and long walks can inspire some creative thoughts. Its a good idea to keep a little notepad with you at all times to be able to jot down any stray thoughts and ideas whenever they creep up. Otherwise a genius plot twist might just escape your mind lunch and sitting down at your keyboard. It happens to the best of us. For those who remember there dreams, keeping a journal beside your bed at night can be useful to trap those wildly crazy concepts. They might just be useful later. Even writing down ideas for new novels before finishing the current one is beneficial and will help with future plans.
Some people use recording devices but they can be bulky to carry around and odd to be seen talking into in public. For people who don't mind screening hours of their own voice they are viable options as well but I don't recommend them. Jotting down notes is usually easier and you can practice the trade while doing it.
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